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Itenerary for Tanzania.
before we left Our Mentors have given us an itererary. Leah and I will be taking extra walking shoes for our internship. We will be walking down practically every street in Dar. Our goals will entail developing relationships with as many people groups in the city of Dar as we can. Also we will be survaying Dar-Es-Salaam in order to determine the impact current churches are having in the city of Dar itself. What our mentors suspect is that the vast majority of the Christians in Dar are not from Dar-Es-Salaam itself, but have moved there as Christians already from the ourlying areas around the country. They believe that for the most part the people groups in the city, mostly Hindus and muslims, have yet to be reached by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
What happened:
We had the chance to talk with several church leaders concerning the unreached muslims and hindus. It seems they are the hardest to witness to because of they have a vigerous defense or because they don't know what they believe.
"The problem with breaking into the african muslim community is that back when the Arabs colonized Africa they told the africans that they were uncultured and by becoming muslim they would then appear to be cultured in the eyes of the Arabs. So while the majority of Africans in the Coastal areas of Africa never officially joined to Islamic Faith, they would claim to belong thinking this did something for their status amung the 'cultured' arabs." - Pasotr of the Kinondoni Lutheran Church.
He continued by saying that while his people called themselves muslims for generations they had yet to deviate from the ancestor an animistic religions. In the coastal Areas Christianity has tough nuts to crack.
Downtown Dar-Es-Salaam
A typical Dar street
Outskirts of Dar